Getting over an ex is never easy; we all have different ways of dealing with a heartbreak, but music is a coping mechanism that most of us use. Dua Lipa’s new single, “New Rules” tells you exactly how to move on.
Before her smash hit “New Rules”, Lipa would record and post covers on social media which allowed her to secure an audition for a commercial for The X Factor which in turn gained the attention from a management team working with Lana Del Rey. This allowed her to quit her day job of working in a restaurant and start recording demos. Soon enough she was off recording her self-titled album Dua Lipa.
Right off the bat the song starts off with an up beat that gets your head bopping and you hear Lipa say “One” over and over, assuming that rule number one is the most important, “Don’t pick up the phone. You know he’s only callin’ ‘cause he’s drunk and alone”, seeing that if the first rule is broken then it will cause a chain reaction in breaking the other two rules, “Two: Don’t let him in. You’ll have to kick him out again. Three: Don’t be his friend. You know you’re gonna wake up in his bed in the morning.” Following these rules will make the transition of getting over your ex easier.
Seeing the video that accompanies the song tells a story of a group of friends who help out their fellow friend in not succumbing to her temptations of contacting or even thinking about their ex. In the beginning, the focus is on Lipa, clearly she is the one who is hurt, and her friend’s manage to get her out of bed and keep her occupied with bonding tasks, brushing her friends hair and applying lipstick, keeping her mind off from the breakup. Later, the focus shifts to another friend who is also dealing with a breakup and we see Lipa do the exact same things keeping her from giving in.
The new single has become, what I consider, mainstream; playing in radio stations like 101.7 The Beach and her album, Dua Lipa, being featured on the Google Pixel 2 commercial. I consider this to be a huge step for her career; this type of exposure will attract a wider crowd thus gaining a bigger fan base. Regardless of it being mainstream, it still has become one of my favorite songs. I have found myself singing the lyrics and doing some sort of dance move that goes along to the beat, even more so in the shower where there has been more than one unfortunate mishap.
Overall, Dua Lipa’s new single “New Rules” is a boppy song that gets the message across to the listener on how to move on from an ex by just following three simple rules, receiving a rating of 5 out of 5.
By Evelyn Luquin