Man Buns: Smash or Pass?

A funny example on how many guys look like with the fashionable man bun.

Man Buns: Smash or Pass?

Man buns. Well, it has become a trend for men, with long or shoulder length hair, to tie their hair in the back or top of their heads. The hairstyle doesn’t pertain to a certain age, since a variety of aged men are wearing it. However, the trend has become so notorious that some men try the style, but it doesn’t suit them at all.

First of all, I understand how teenagers and some older men want to be trendy, no one wants to be left behind. They want to be with the crowd. Understandable. But a person will stick out like a sore thumb if the style does not suit them. Even though they may try their hardest, it’s a crime to humanity.

How is it a crime to humanity? Well, let me explain. The way men let their hair grow and believe it’s the right length for a man bun is the main problem. Their hair is not even to their shoulders, and they’re styling the man bun. Imagine Agnes from the Despicable Me movie, with her hair just shooting up to the sky. Yeah, that’s how some guys look with the man bun.

Let me further explain the frustration that I share with other women. Based off of a survey provided by Muscle and Fitness on the topic of dating, they asked 100 women if the man bun is something to be attracted to. Five go for the look, twenty-one are whatever about it, forty-three are a meh, and thirty-one are an absolutely no to a man bun.  If we were to add the ones that don’t want the bun and are not looking out for the style, the number is far greater than the ones in favor. It’s a small sample size on the opinion of man buns in the world of women.

Even though some may not be hot with the look, some definitely rock it. For example, Jason Momoa, who played Aquaman in Justice League and Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones, is the perfect man for a man bun. He has the perfect length for the style, his hair is wavy/spongy, and he has a beard which complements the bun. Not like Collin Farrell whose hair is close cut on the sides, and styles his remaining hair as a bun, but it just looks like a half loop ponytail. Also, his hair is just slicked back, not really creating volume, not natural flowing, so it just looks like his hair is shiny or greasy.

While females are complaining about the style, some men go with it. According to Deke, who’s blog, Chillin’ With Deke, talks about the 5 Reasons Why Every Guy Should Have A Man Bun Once In Their Life, gives some advice and reasoning as to why men should wear man buns. The number one  reason as to why men should wear man buns is because it’s a goal to yourself to grow out your hair, style it, and to accomplish something once in your life. The second reason, which I don’t see the point of, is that it provides a sense of empathy for females to understand the problems they go through with long hair. Not really hardcore reasoning for the man buns, but it’s a reason I guess.

Wow, did I just go off about the man buns? I guess I did. Bottom line: I’m not too pleased about it. Some guys have ruined the style for me, but I can understand the yearning to rock the style once in your life. It allows for men to feel masculine in a lumberjack way. But, just a quick tip for you guys considering it, and please, for once in your life, listen to women: don’t be like Agnes, be like Jason Momoa.

By Cassandra Reyes