2change looking to make a positive impact

Alisal senior Yesenia Tijerina helps pick up trash at Natividad Creek Park on September 21, 2019. “I’m helping out in cleaning our local parks because I’m very tired of seeing trash everytime I go out and walk with my family. It’s a very displeasing view.¨

The idea of taking better care of the environment is very essential in times like these – global warming, rampant pollution, and dying species. At the local level, the problem is simpler – trash in our local parks, streets, and creeks – but there’s at least one group looking to do something about it.

 2change is a program that brings awareness to the issue of trash in our local parks, by bringing our community together. 2change started in Salinas this summer. The group was started by Luis Angel Bravo, a concerned citizen who wanted to do something positive, not only for himself but for others as well. Seeing our environment slowly die and be in a very bad state made him start this program. ¨I figured that if I can help the environment and bring our community together then maybe I ́d feel at peace with myself knowing I at least tried, instead of wondering, ‘What if?’” he said.

The group goes out on Saturday mornings to pick up trash from parks, streets, and creeks on the east side of Salinas. As of now, over fifteen people are actively volunteering and the numbers keep growing week by week. In less than a month, more than three hundred pounds of trash and recyclables have been lifted from our local parks, streets, and creeks. Angel Nieto ̈I go out and help out on the cleanups so that future generations can enjoy the beauty of earth ̈ 

 Bravo’s current focus is to help people see what their future can be if our community is willing to make a change now. His plans for the future are to not only be local but hopefully, one day start expanding to different cities.  ̈I don’t want any of the younger and future generations living in the mess we as a society have created,̈ said Bravo

According to Bravo, 2Change is an important program because it lets people know that teens want a better future for our community, that people don’t want to take a walk in our local parks or streets and for them to be full of trash. People can join by going to the official website 2change.co and signing up for free under the events.