There’s something special about Alisal

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Some people say your high school years are the best years of your life, but for some Trojan alumni, Alisal is a great place to spend their life after high school. Currently, there are 28 alumni currently employed at Alisal. Out of those 28, 19 are teachers, 3 are counselors, and 2 are in administrative positions.
Many alumni returned to make a change in the student body’s outlook, education, and lives. Some of the employed alumni at Alisal were actually encouraged to become teachers due to certain qualities they exhibited. Math teacher Juan

Trujillo stated that his Algebra I teacher told him that due to his characteristics he would make a great teacher. A number of alumni stated that they felt a need or a passion for helping the community and students. Rito Contreras, a current sophomore seminar teacher, said he came back to Alisal because,” I wanted to give back to my community; to repay all that it gave me, my education, inspiration, and positive outlook.”

Of course, most of the staff says it’s both the students and staff that make Alisal the best it can possibly be. Depending on the year that the alumni attended, their perspectives on the school differed slightly. Back when many were attending Alisal there was a higher rate of diversity but now due to the huge shift that’s developed over the years; the school seems more ethnically united. However, many agree that the student body’s genuine eagerness and excitement to learn makes it a special place to work. Counselor Sandra Echevarria agreed,” It’s the students that keep me here.”
For many, Alisal has become a home away from home. Having a cultural family setting, the Alisal students and staff provide a caring and accepting environment where learning is a top priority. Many alumni agree about this presence of a family environment at the school and some have even stated that it’s the family environment that increases their passion f

or teaching at their old high school. According to Christina Parker, an assistant prinicpal, “It’s home; I don’t want to be anywhere else.” In fact Alisal is such a great family friendly school that many alumni enrolled or plan to enroll their children at Alisal. Ignacio Mendez, a senior English teacher, wants his children in the same school he went to,” My child would get a well rounded education that won’t be found anywhere else within the Salinas Union High School District.”

Alisal’s principal Ernesto Garcia has planned an alumni day on February 21, to celebrate the alumni, and allow students to see and speak with successful Alisal alumni who benefited from attending Alisal. It is Garcia’s hope that by introducing the students to examples of success, the students will become inspired to do their best even after they leave Alisal. He believes that all students can succeed in their education and life but only if they work at it.
Alisal’s student body and staff inspire graduating students to return and establish a successful life either somewhere out in the world or back at their school. No matter what path Trojans decide to take, they will always be welcomed back at their school.