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The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

Angela Espinoza

Angela Espinoza, Reporter

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, and gaming
Music: Indie pop and alternative indie
Last Movie Seen: Talk to me
Latest Accomplishment: Passed math test.
Goals: Graduate with a good GPA, and get a driver’s license.
3 words that describe you: Respectful, organized, and chill
Why did you join the newspaper/yearbook?: She wanted to improve writing skills, enjoys taking pictures and prefers this elective over others.
Likes: Strawberries, basketball, and swimming.
Dislikes: Anything lemon flavor
Favorite Quote: Never back down never what? NEVER GIVE UP!
Plans after high school: Going to a four year university.
What is the best thing about Alisal High School: The teachers.

All content by Angela Espinoza
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