Itzel Vargas, Journalist
Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Sleeping, Watching TV shows and movies, and baking because it is her talent.
Future plans: In 5 years she sees herself going to a college where she gets the most financial aid, finishing her undergrad or starting to graduate school.
Why did you join this class?: She joined this class for the first time because she thought it would be fun.
Last Book Read: Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy
Latest Accomplishment: Being reliable at the First Tee as a coach. She works inside the office.
Goals: Figure out what she wants to do and give back to the community
Profile: Stubborn, Opinionated, caring, and careless
Dislikes: Dislikes idiots, waiting, and being the center of attention.
Likes: Mexican culture, crime-related shows, Thai food, Pepe Aguilar, and the color purple.
Why does she do what she does: She does what she wants because she wants to do better for the community, wants to make kids to believe in themselves and wants to make her family proud.
By Jennifer Virgen