Choosing Crossfit


One of the toughest workout was tire lifting; it requires a combination of strength, skills, and mobility that are important for lifting heavy objects.

Staying healthy is one thing, and getting in shape is another. There are many choices when it comes to getting in shape – weight training, cycling, and running are great examples on how to get started. While these are good choices, I personally wanted a challenging exercise. After researching different options, I decided on Crossfit.

If you ever heard of Crossfit then you have probably heard how intense it is. Some misconceptions are that you flip huge tires (which you eventually can), but you don’t start with that. It’s a mixture of every activity you can think of from high intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, and other activities that really are just a form of helping you compete with yourself. While it is true that they are intense, you’re taught properly how to perform the movements without any serious injuries.

The first week of Crossfit is nerve wracking since you don’t know what to expect. As a beginner, I started off with minimal exercises and weights. Each week the trainers are increasing your weight from kettlebell swings, barbell deadlifts, and other exercises that require weight. It’s step by step process that requires you to learn the movements to properly perform them. At the same time, the trainers challenge you to exceed your level of work that can impact your body.

Crossfit is based on a different workout of the day (WOD) that really emphasizes in one area of your body. The exercises test the limits of your strength, endurance, and speed. For example, ladder workouts are really effective in testing how many repetitions you can do per set with or without weight. The most common workout is wall balls and burpees, they are short and simple, but brutal.

One of the best things about Crossfit is everyone starts at a different stage and has a certain goal they want to achieve. Committing yourself to a goal can really improve your strength, health, and mentality. Challenging yourself can be intimidating, but the key to improving yourself is learning the technique.

My goals were improving my form and mobility came afterwards. I realized seeing results and improving my strength was important to achieving my desired physique.  

Getting started with Crossfit is easy, and simple. The cost of differs in every gym, so calling is your best option. It’s also good to have a good reference, so read about peoples reviews on any social media. I personally recommend taking advantage of a free trial so you can experience the workout prior to making a monetary commitment. Talk to the trainers and ask for their opinion, especially if you have questions regarding class schedules or pre-workout exercises.

Once you start Crossfit, it’s a journey to a healthier lifestyle with people who share the same struggles and who will keep you motivated. While it may not be for everyone,  Crossfit was the best decision for me because it changed my self confidence and gave me achievable goals.