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The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

Arissa Moore

Arissa Moore, Reporter

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Doing lashes (currently working to get her license) and spending time with family and friends
Best Show Binge Watched - The Gilmore Girls
Latest Accomplishment: Getting decent grades for second semester last year
Goals: Wants to learn how to manage her money and get A’s for the year
3 words that describe you: Kind, creative, and outgoing
Why did you join the newspaper/yearbook?: I enjoy writing and want to improve my writing skills.
Likes: Going shopping, makeup, watching the sunsets
Biggest Pet Peeves: When people chew with their mouths open and people who walk slow in big crowds
Favorite Music Artist: Drake
Best advice given: If you really want something in life push yourself beyond your limits

All content by Arissa Moore
Practicing on my mannequin, I've gone from taking over three hours (left) to do a set of lashes, to two hours. For comparison, my eyelash person does both my eyes in about an hour. So, while I've got a ways to go,  I am seeing a lot of improvement in my work and that makes me happy.

The Eyes Have It

Arissa Moore, Reporter
October 25, 2023
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