Gabie Salinas, Journalist
You may know Gabriela Salinas as the nice, caring, and quiet girl in class who loves to read, but she might just surprise you! What you may not know is that she stays up late studying, is the AVID secretary, is part of the book club, and only has a few hours free every week, but she somehow manages to succeed in school and participate in sports and clubs. Not many students are able to handle such chaos in their life, but Gabriela, known as Gabie among her friends and classes, handles her stress very well.
Apart from school activities, she enjoys watching scary movies, listening to Cardi B’s music, reading books on different topics, eating chinese food, and ziplining! Her life is filled with happiness and adventures. She is taking part in the Yearbook and Journalism class her senior year in hopes of improving her writing and because Mr. Battaglini, the class advisor, convinced her to join by mentioning the class is a great learning experience.
She is currently looking forward to college applications and going off to college. She wants to go away to college to start over at a new place, a place where people do not know who she is. “I want to get to know strangers, I want to step out of my comfort zone, and I need to learn how to be independent since I am going to be an adult soon,” she says. The top two colleges she is looking into at the moment are UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara, she is planning on studying sociology. Gabie chose sociology as the path she wants to take since she is fascinated by the study of a whole society, it is much more interesting to her than the human behavior of only one individual. Gabie’s story isn’t over yet – this is only the beginning of her life!
By: Lizbeth Guerra