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Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

The student news site of Alisal High School

Trojan Tribune

Giselle Gamez

Giselle Gamez, Reporter

Grade: Senior

Hobbies: Drawing/painting, sewing/crocheting, cooking, and reading.

Last book read: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Latest Accomplishment: Reorganized my closet.

Goals: Become a teacher

3 Words that describe you: Optimistic, creative, and strong-willed

Why did you join the newspaper/yearbook?: Liked taking on this “job” of creating this book that I’ll look back on and appreciate. An opportunity to help myself become more comfortable with talking to people and learning how to use the camera made me want to take the class. I liked that the class gave me the opportunity to become more involved at the school. I got to meet lots of new people who I’ve never talked to, attend the games at Alisal and at away games with the teams, interview lots of students and teachers, and I learned how to properly take photos with an actual camera.

Likes: Love the simple things in life like finding money on the ground or my elderly neighbor who greets me with a smile every morning.

Dislikes: Rude people.

Favorite Quote:  “No queremos pan”- G.G was something I would say whenever some family member would knock on the door asking if you’d want to buy fruit but you decline and say no thank you. So in a way youre saying “no queremos pan” to your family because you don’t want them there as a joke.

Secret Talent: Can sing along to the whole two hour long musical, Hamilton.

All content by Giselle Gamez

Review: “The Queens Gambit”

Giselle Gamez, Journalist
December 22, 2020
Senior Michelle Mora always picture ready anytime she’s showing off her nice ride. “I’ll like you to meet mi Paloma Negra,” said Mora.

Ride of Passage

Giselle Gamez, Journalist
October 13, 2020
After I cut my hair, one of my biggest fans was my little sister. Every morning she wakes up and comes over to pet my hair and tells me, “Ooo I like your hair.”

Getting buzzed

Giselle Gamez, Journalist
May 21, 2020
At the away game versus Monterey, captain Yesenia Tjierina is seen attacking the ball with another kill.

Making a statement

Giselle Gamez, Journalist
October 18, 2019
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