Noelia Garcia, Journalist
Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Listening to music because it allows her to interpret real-life issues that are expressed through music, specifically R&B Soul.
Last Show Binged: Jane the Virgin because it is the last season of that show and she really enjoys it.
Latest Accomplishment: Starting “No Senior Left Behind”, a club that helps seniors afford to be able to go to grad-night.
Goals: Graduating and continuing her education at San Diego State University and then going to medical school and becoming a Pediatric Oncologist.
Profile: Talkative, caring, and passionate because she loves to talk and could talk for hours. She says she is caring and passionate because she loves to help those who cannot help themselves and passionate because when she finds something she wants to do it grows on to her and becomes a passion from there on there is no going back.
Why did you join the class?: She joined yearbook cause its a passion to take pictures and because Mr. Battaglini is “cool”.
Last book read: The last book she read was The Fault in our Stars
Favorite quote: Her favorite quote is “This too shall pass”.
By Jacob Mejia