Promposals 2k16


Brianna Lovato and Albert Maravillo (left), Dalia Cabrera and Fernando Valdez (top right), and Anis Contreras and Missael Campos (bottom right).

It’s that time of the year when young men discover the joys of glitter, markers, posters, and of course more glitter. What season is this you might ask? None other than promposal season!

As prom gets closer so many things begin to run across people’s mind – What to wear, who will do your makeup, where will you get your tux, and who your date will be? While asking someone to the prom has never been easy, boys have stepped up their game by coming up with cute, and sometimes elaborate, promposals.

A promposal is when a person asks someone else to prom either with a poster or another creative way such as having “Will you go to prom with me?” written across the scoreboard during  a baseball game, or “I’ve never asked anyone to prom so I’ll just wing it” written on a box of chicken wings.

Asking someone to prom takes courage and creating the perfect promposal because prom is an extra big deal. Promposals are seen throughout Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. People go above and beyond to impress not only their date, but the audience as well. Boys also face pressure to be creative and do whatever it takes to get a yes. That’s the whole point, after all. Sometimes, the effort comes from a genuine desire to make the invitee happy and have fun doing it. Other times, the point really is to force a yes, because the couple is surrounded by the audience and saying no would not only make the person getting asked feel bad but the person asking will probably not only get their feelings hurt but feel embarrassed.

Promposals are easiest when the couple is already together. Missael Campos was having a hard time coming up with the perfect promposal for his girlfriend, Anis Contreras. He asked friends and looked up promposals until he came across the perfect one. “ I asked friends for some ideas and we came with a bunch and put the good ones together and got that out of it.”He decided to spell out “prom” on softballs (Anis has been playing varsity softball since freshmen year) and send her one letter every five minutes. At the end of class he was waiting outside for her with a poster saying, “Let me score a homerun and take you to prom.” She started to get the hint once she got the “p” and the “r” during class. “I was really surprised when I got the first one and I knew right away what was going on. I was really excited to get the rest of them and I wanted to see him and hug him,” said Anis. She knew he had put a lot of thought into it and I really appreciated it. “I was really happy,” she said. “I wasn’t even nervous, I was excited to finally ask, it was already assumed we were going to go but I just wanted to surprise her.” he said.

Senior Fernando Valdez planned a promposal for Dalia Cabrera. He’s asked friends and came up with a promposal fit for her. He decided to surprise her the week of prom. “ I waited so long to ask  because I wanted to make sure I had the perfect promposal. I was nervous to ask Dalia but it was either now or never.” Why did he wait so long to ask? To build suspense, of course. He spelled out her name with one letter on each individual poster, and once the posters were flipped it had “prom?” written on the back. When Dalia said yes, he handed her a bouquet of sunflowers, her favorite flowers. “I kind of had a feeling he was going to ask, I just didn’t know when or how. I was very happy and surprised he remembered my favorite flower.” said Dalia.

Since this is the 21st century, there are times when a girl creates a promposal for a lucky guy. Briana Lovato was that liberated lady. She made a poster for Albert Marivillo. She knew he loved superheroes so the poster she made said, “It would be a Dark Knight without you, so make my prom super and say yes in a Flash?”  This happened on Monday after school since she was too nervous and shy to ask during school. He had asked her to prom last week but she said no  since she wasn’t sure if she was going to prom but then later had a change of mind. She decided to ask him because she wanted to surprise Albert. “I didn’t see it coming, I was honestly surprised. I’m looking forward to prom with her.” said Albert.